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Comentarios (4)

Pinto - 1 Octubre 05:03

De 11 a 20 horas.

Ripp - 13 Augusto 06:29

Таким образом, следует поступать с развратными девушками, мечтающими о сексе с родственниками. Потом блондинка в солнцезащитных очках начала загорать на шезлонге и присаживаться на песок в интересных позах.

Clora - 26 Mayo 02:34

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Koizumi - 29 Noviembre 21:55

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Admin - 12 Noviembre 05:42

16 Jenny McClain, again

Hashaway - 16 Abril 15:09

This is insufferable. Can be more effective than the pill or condoms is extraordinarily misleading. When comparing BC methods, you have to compare their TYPICAL success rates, not their perfect use success rates. And comparing withdrawal's perfect rate with condoms typical rate is downright dishonest. Additionally, you give no citations for the figures you assert. The only difference between misinforming people that withdrawal never works and misinforming them that's it's a reliable method is that the first sells condoms and the second gets people pregnant.

Maarx - 25 Octubre 20:48

she is hot and has fun

Jacquez - 15 Abril 08:48

I love how the major part of this video is about educating people about als and not just that but it's mixed with the topics of this channel.В